Pokemon Opal and Obsidian
This is a work-in-progress walkthrough for Pokemon Opal and Obsidian!
When I was around child in 2002, I would scour the internet for random Pokemon content. At the time, there were Pokemon fan sites that would be peoples' little shrines where they would share information about the games, anime, and their love for the series
I would find all sorts of different websites this way, especially because they would link to each other as affiliates. They would share artwork they created, walkthroughs they made, stories about how they played the Pokemon games, and even fakemon that they came up with.
Eventually, I found a way to create websites through free web hosting. At the time I remember all sorts of cool websites, all of which are now lost to time. The era of Geocities, Angelfire, Freewebs, and its ilk are long gone, but that was my version of "social media" back in the day. I would reach out to the webmasters of different websites and internet shrines to get to know them and more importantly network with them so we can take exchange affiliate buttons and be able to share each other on our respective websites.
Fast forward a couple decades and I went to college for game programming and game design, but I ended up getting scammed out of a few tens of thousands of dollars. Now I'm just a hobbyist and I'd like to recapture the nostalgia of when I was a child looking for Pokemon fansites.
This website is still very much under construction. The idea is to create a walkthrough of a fictional main series Pokemon video game, complete with a Pokedex of fakemon and the story that you'd encounter in such a region.
Hope you all enjoy it, and thank you for joining me in this fun new adventure.